Tuesday, July 24, 2012



(English Language Teachers’ Association of India)

The largest Network of Teachers of English in India (An Associate of IATEFL, UK )
The English Language Teachers' Association of India
(ELTAI) was founded on August 7,1974 by the late Padmashri S. Natarajan, a noted Educationist.

We bring out "The Journal of English Language Teaching", a bi-monthly, and it is given free to all the members of the Association. Our consultancy services offer Teacher training packages and organize bi-monthly meetings on current ELT themes relevant to the Indian context.

We host annual conferences and regional conferences on specific areas relevant to the ELT scenario today. Delegates from all over the country as well as the world outside participate in them, present papers and conduct workshops.

The late Padmashri S. Natarajan, (1901-1977), our Founder, started his career as a Science and English teacher and rose to serve successfully as Headmaster of a Training school, as Director of All-india Council for Secondary Education –what is now known as the NCERT—--member of several Education Commissions, President of the South Indian Teachers' Union and Vice-President of the World Confederation of the Teaching Profession.
He was one of the founders of the South Indian Teachers' Union and later became its President. He also served for a term as a member of the Madras Legislative Council. He started a number of organizations for the welfare of teachers and worked ceaselessly for their professional development.
He founded, apart from ELTAI, the /Association of mathematics Teachers, Association os Science Teachers' Association of Geography Teachers and the SITU Council of Educational Research and Society for the Promotion of Education in India

To provide a forum for teachers of English to meet periodically and discuss problems relating to the teaching of English in India.
To help teachers interact with educational administrators on matters relating to the teaching of English.
To disseminates information in the ELT field among teachers of English.
To undertake innovative projects aimed at the improvement of learners' proficiency in English.
To promote professional solidarity among teachers of English at primary, secondary and university levels.
To strive promote professional excellence among its members in all possible ways.

ELTAI envisions to make India a hub of ELT related activities and to conceptualize the experiences of English language teaching-learning and symbiotically share them with others.
ELTAI shall develop into a movement spreading across the length and breadth of the country empowering teachers to make every learner of English globally competitive. ELTAI shall aim at becoming a recognized leader, a catalyst, a facilitator and trendsetter in spreading English literacy.
Print Journal:   Journal of English Language Teaching' ISSN: 0973-5208
E-journals:       Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature ISSN 0975-8828
                        Journal of Technology for ELT ISSN.2231-4431

We have two kinds of memberships, Annual and Short Term (3 yrs)
Members of ELT@I can join any of the 6 SIGs according to their interest by sending an email to the convenors.
1.      Teacher Development SIG                 (Convenor: Dr. Dharmendra Sheth, Surat)
2.      English for Specific Purposes SIG      (Convenor: Dr. Albert Ryan, Chennai)
3.      Literature SIG                                     (Convenor: Dr. G.A. Ghanshyam, Bilaspur)
4.      Evaluation SIG                                    (Convenor: Dr. Geetha Durairaj, Hyderabad)
5.      Computer Technology SIG                 (Convenor: Dr. Revathi Vishwanathan, Chennai)
6.      ELT in Rural Areas SIG                     (Convenor: Dr. Amol Padwad)

The Members will get
1.      A free copy of its bimonthly Journal of English Language Teaching
2.      Subsidized membership of IATEFL, UK.
3.      Reduced rate of admission to all ELTAI programmes
4.      Free subscription to all its Special Interest Groups

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